No, I don't actually use it. The fact the I even have an account is the, of an invite email from a friend and extreme boredom, which resulted in a few minutes spent making a profile. Of course, after not hearing a sound from it, I had completely forgotten that such a site existed in the first place. That is until some her I've never heard of PMed me looking for someone to chat to. As I was not doing anything strenuous at the time, I thought, why not.
After, the standard exchange of name, age, location, etc, I learnt that she was from California. Okay... considering that I'm from Sydney and the time was 11pm, and the time difference between Sydney and California is -17, that would have made it what? 5am there? She's either, up extremely late or extremely early.
She soon reveals that she is actually coming to Sydney to visit her cousin in the coming month. Okay now this is starting to get creepy, and she's beginning to sound a little fake to me. However, I stop from outright ignoring her on the bases that MAYBE she intentionally sought out a guy from Sydney hoping, to get some info to plan for her travels. Considering I had written my location on my profile, this was still plausible. But, doing that at 5am in the morning, was really pushing it.
Well, it was not long after, that the plot was reveal. She asks me if I have ever being to a "Strip Showdown" site and then directed me to a registration form to what looked like some porno site. WTF??!!! Now that's just too weird, what kind of girl tells a guy they met for like 15mins to register for porn? Also, I have some serious doubts about the authenticity of the site, the domain name seems to redirect me somewhere else. If I had inserted my credit card details, I wouldn't be surprised to see a few hundred dollars of unexplained spending pop up in next month's statement.
Needless to say, I removed her from my contact list shortly after sending a few not too pleasant insults. However, what pissed me off about all of this isn't that she tried to con some credit card details out of me, but that she actually spend a quarter of an hour trying to gain my trust. Time I could've spend doing other more important things... like con-ing credit card details off unsuspecting people on the web. XD
Anyway, I've being kind of busy studying for my finals so I haven't updated lately, but I'm going to finish my last exam tomorrow (wtf am I doing blogging?) so I might write another review.~
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